Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kevin has been teaching Ashton to talk smack while they play Wii. Unfortunately it is leeching over into normal life. Today I heard Ashton playing. He says," Yeah, how do you like THAT", followed by " In your FACE". The other day while he was on the phone with my sister she got a IN YOUR FACE, LEAH. It is hard not to laugh and it only fuels the fire.

Chloe's favorite bedtime song is "I love to see the Temple and she wants to sing it instead of Ashtons ever so faithful " I hope they call me on a mission" Chloes favorite part is the last line of the first verse, only she sings it in a mean voice and say "It is MY sacred duty", not yours Ashton, mine. What are we teaching our kids.


Mike and Kelli said...

What the???? Chloe looks like a completely different baby! She is growing up too fast. Wah.

Lott said...

I can't believe how different Oli looks from other photos.

Kids can take any phrase and use it for evil. Then, there are uncles who teach their nephews naughty things to start off with.

Chazlyn Robbins said...

Wow your kids have personality! You will always be entertained.