Friday, August 22, 2008

DJ has new "Teenage Mutant Ninja Buddies"

When DJ (my brother) was young, he had a friend named Chad. Chad would call and ask for his "teenage mutant ninja buddy". Of course DJ was constantly teased for this. Flashforward to now...Heidi was at a garage sale today and came across this halloween outfit. Ashton loves it! He has been putting it off and on all day. Heidi caught Ashton and Chloe showing off their moves.


Lott said...

They are so cute and animated. I love it when Ashton says "Yeah Sure" and when Chloe has the long "Haaaaa" before she says "Ya"

Mike and Kelli said...

heroes in a half-shell-TURTLE POWER!!

adorable pearsons said...

too bad they didn't have one in DJ's size