I have always considered myself courageous. I do not back down from a challenge, I enjoy speaking in front of groups, I love horror movies... When I see that others would fear doing something, it makes me want to do it anymore. That being said, I do have two weaknesses. One, many know about. I hate when my tongue touches paper or wood. I tried playing the clarinet when I was in 4th grade but could not handle the reid. If I have to seal an envelope, I have to build up a pile of saliva on the tip of my tongue and basically spit it on. My second kryptonite is less obvious. I hate puking. I will do anything to avoid vomitting. This week Chloe got sick first. Wednesday night she puked in my lap. If I see or smell puke, I automatically get sick to my stomach. By the next morning, she was all better. Friday night, Ashton puked. He was also better by the next morning. Saturday we left for a trip to Boise. During our drive, Oli puked several times. I knew it was coming. The anticipation is the worse part. By that evening (in Boise) my stomach was turning. Someone had told me that it is best to just make yourself puke and get it over with. I have never been able to do that. I did last night. I went to the upstairs bathroom and made myself vomit. I felt much better afterwards and the fear of puking is gone. Now if I could only figure out how to get past paper.
Melihat Kemajuan
5 years ago
Is this Heidi or Kevin? Either way, sorry you were sick!! AND, when are you coming down for a visit? Our last 5 minute visit was quite lame..
I heard it's your Birthday today! Happy Happy Birthday. HOpe you are doing well!
Also-if only you could make yourself shed one freaking tear you could rule the universe!
Next time I get your Christmas card I'll make sure I stop and appreciate the sealed envelope a little more.
It was fun to see you guys. I'm so glad we could catch up.
AND, happy late birthday!! Sounds like you had a great day.
So is the puker Heidi or Kevin we're all confused?
This is Kevin, I Heidi puke every day sometimes more for 9 months at a time. I have no fear of puking.
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