Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Crafts

So This is my latest in crafts. I loved these vinyl sayings that my sister-in-law sent. I also made over 200 chocolates with Courtney Claeson yesterday. I can't believe how easy and fun it was, and now I seem like a super treat maker to all my neighbors. Ha Ha I'm fooling everyone. It also snowed 10 inches today. Finally we have some snow to play in. Ashton and Chloe saw the snow falling down and looked at me with big eyes and said," Mom, I can't believe it, Its Christmas"! I had to explain that, snow doesn't = Christmas. Boy was I the Grinch.


Lott said...

Everything looks so festive. You've done a great job decorating & I'll be expecting chocolates in the mail any day now.

adorable pearsons said...

YEAH! They all turned out so awesome! You are so talented! I love them! I love that I can just cut vinyl and then you use your magic and make it perfect. Oli is so so sooooo cute! Yeah for chocolates...mmmmmm

B. Surfer said...

Somehow, my vinyl never looks that good. Just know it takes skills to make what you make. PS... i agree with Lott, You're house is very festive and nicely decorated. I forget, when are you coming to do my house?